
Raising the ambition

Digitalisation, innovation and local initiatives are the cornerstones of our sustainability work.

“Digitalisation in itself is part of building amore sustainable future”

See how we create a better impact through software

Focus areas in Visma across countries

A diverse workplace

Our people are at the centre of our success, and we want to be a workplace for everyone. That's why we are actively working to create an even more diverse, fair and inclusive workplace and culture for our employees.


Celebrating what makes us unique: Diversity isn’t only about gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. It’s also about our individual qualities that give us different perspectives and opinions, such as age, life experience, faith, education, heritage, physical and mental abilities.

The more we complement each other's strengths, the more effective and versatile we are at work. And we can see how teams with diverse backgrounds increase creativity, innovation and employee satisfaction.


Ensuring that everyone has equal access: Simply put, equity is about making things fair, where everyone has what they need to have the best outcome. Regardless of their ability or circumstance, our people get the tools to perform well at their job.

Employees have the option of working from home, we've established multi-faith spaces, and we offer protective eyewear and free training and nutritional counselling.


Embracing the inherent value in all of us: Inclusion is the butter to our bread. Paired with diversity and equity, it opens up the full potential of a workforce.

Being inclusive means we have a workplace that welcomes and accommodates our individual differences.

One great example is the rotating themes we engage in across the company. Topics like religious observances, disabilities, hidden biases, and pride are the things that create a more understanding and inclusive environment.

Where we are now, by the numbers


tonnes total GHG emissions
in tCO2e


tonnes emissions
per full-time employee


employee engagement (eNPS)
top 5% in the IT industry


incidents related to non-compliance

Sustainability reports

See our latest Sustainability results